C/C++, Study

GPU Gems 3: Rigid Body Solver

As mentioned in my last post in Rendering abstract data in OpenGL I was working for my final project of an practical course in my Masters program on implementing a GPU based Rigid Body Solver, described in this GPU Gems 3 article.

Sadly, it did not work out quite well. I still have some problems in the calculations of the particle/ rigid body forces and visualizing the bodies was difficult because the fell out of the screen so quickly.

But I wanted to share the project anyway since I think some part of it may be useful to others – especially rendering into the force and position textures.

The code may be found on my Github Account: Project RigidSolver.

Maybe someone would even help an finish the project.

As I already mentioned on the Github repository: This project was successfully submitted in the Practical Course Visual Computing at the University of Stuttgart and is not allowed to be used or submitted as whole or in parts at any other educational facility!
You may use the code as inspiration and use it for any ungraded work. But be aware that this is neither production ready, nor a performance oriented implementation!

Picture taken from: https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch29.html